
Is there another songwriter so fearless and inventive?  Neko Case returns to The Sheldon demonstrating how she has bent decades of pop music into new shapes.  Neko Case wields her voice like a kiss and her metaphors like a baseball bat. She has cast the fishing net of her career wide—from Seattle and Vancouver to Chicago and Stockholm, setting up her home base on a farm in New England.  

Gathering power year after year, Neko sings with the fierce abandon of a newborn infant crying in a basket in the woods. Since escaping the labels of country and Americana, the gorgeous train-whistle vocals of her early career sit submerged in her later style, where their ghost can appear any minute. When her voice jumps an octave, it’s almost visible, like sparks at night. “I never knew where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do with my voice,” she says, “but I just wanted to do it so bad.” 

A $1 historic preservation fee will be added to each ticket to help maintain The Sheldon for future generations.


Sponsored by the William A. Kerr Foundation.